中图分类号:G03 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1671-1254(2014)02-0093-07
An Analysis on the Special Contradictions in the Industrialization
of Indigenous Ecological Culture Projects
LIU Zong-bi
(Axiology and Economic Philosophy Research Institute, Kaili University,Kaili 556011, Guizhou, China)
Abstract:At present, many Chinese indigenous ecological culture projects enter into the production field, but their production resources or technologies their marketing production depends on are generally traditional and indigenous. These established and particular traditional resources or technologies are in conflict with some factors of the monetary “homogenous” wealth (capital) of marketing economy path, which reflects the regularity of the indigenous ecological culture activities and development. This specifically includes the following three conflicts: first, the segmentation and tension between the cultural value target and commercial value target of the original ecological culture; second, the confrontation and tension between the preservation of the originality and the consumptive reconstruction of the indigenous ecological culture; third, the contradictions and tension between the preservation of the unique value and the universal diffuse of the indigenous ecological culture. Based on the above analysis, the paper concludes that the marketing development of the indigenous ecological culture should solve the problem caused by the dual target and task of cultural heritage and economic needs, establish the heritage and classic peculiarities of cultural carriers in the productive preservation, and make a balance between tradition and modernization, thus keeping a moderate and appropriate development.
Keywords:the indigenous ecological culture projects; cultural reproduction; industrialization; special contradiction; developmental guidelines
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