中图分类号:B03;K01 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1671-1254(2014)02-0011-07
A Review on the Research of “The Perspective Complexity of
the History Laws” in China’s Philosophical Academia
BAI Li-peng,JI Yi-han
(Faculty of Social Science, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, Yunnan, China)
Abstract:The research of “the perspective complexity of the history laws” in China’s philosophical academia is still in the preliminary constructing stage. The two evolvements of the view of laws, the two kinds of epistemological changes of laws, and the generation and development of the nonlinear viewpoints and the chaos theory — all these have displayed the profound changes in contemporary scientific view of laws. The traceably historical “confirmation” of Marx and Engels’ historical complexities and the counterattack against Popper’s view of “historical non-determinism” suggested that the study on the complexity of history laws had been profound and also academically highlighted the theoretical courage and confidence in philosophical studies. The research angle makes possible the epochal transition of historical materialism in the aspect of history laws, and yet at the same time brings about the difficulty of theoretical?orientation of dialectics because of the discourse conversion and the reflections on the context complexity.
Keywords:history laws; complexity; views of laws; Popper; dialectics