摘 要: 数字波束系统中,通常采用相位加权实现波束成形,但这种方式对具有一定带宽的调制信号而言是存在失真的。为了研究这种失真对典型数字通信的影响,首先建立了一维线性均匀加权直线阵数字波束成形模型,介绍了这种阵列天线相位波束成形的原理,随后结合BPSK调制信号,对数字波束相位成形过程进行推导,获得相位成形波束接收信号数学表达式。通过分析表明对于BPSK调制信号而言,相位波束成形会引入码间串扰,并且串扰影响随着阵列规模增大、信息速率提高、波束扫描角度增大而加剧。
关键词: 相位波束成形; 调制信号失真; 时延; 能量损失
中图分类号: TN014?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2014)07?0053?03
Distortion analysis of digital beam phased forming
(The 54th Research Institute, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Shijiazhuang 050081, China)
Abstract: In digital beam systems, the beam forming is realized by phased weighting mechanism, but for modulation signal with wide?bands, the distortion may arise. To research the influence of this kind of distortion on typical digital communication, a model of digital beam systems with ne?dimensional liner homogeneous weighting is established, and the mechanism of phased weighting digital beam forming is introduced. The forming process of the digital beam phased is deduced in combination with BPSK modulated signal, and the mathematical expression is obtained. Through analysis it is proved that for BPSK modulated signal, the inter?symbol interference would be brought into phase beam forming, the influence of which is increasing with the enlargement of array size, the enhancing of the information rate and increasing of beam scanning range.
Keywords: beam phased forming; modulation signal distortion; delay; energy loss
0 引 言
数字波束形成(DBF) 是在相控阵天线波束形成原理的基础上,引入先进的数字信号处理方法而建立起来的一门新技术,其基本原理与相控阵天线类似,都是通过控制阵列天线每个阵元激励信号的相位产生方向可变的波束[1?2]。数字波束系统由于波束扫描的速度更快,控制灵活,便于实现各种复杂功能,近年来在测控领域应用也越来越广泛 [3?4]。
1 相位波束成形原理
图1 均匀直线阵
图2 均匀直线阵典型方向图
2 失真分析