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5) 提问或选择时,如:慢性腹痛是一种手术症状还是精神症状?Original: Is chronic abdominal pain a surgical symptom or a psychiatric symptom?Revised: Chronic abdominal pain: A surgical or psychiatric symptom?


根据URMSBJ要求,论文标题及有关著录内容应单独双行打印,称为“标题页”(Title page),其内容包括:

1) 标题 (the title of the article);

2) 所有作者的姓名及其最高学位、所属单位(the name by which each author is known, with his or her highest academic degree(s) and institutional affiliation);

3) 研究工作的归属部门或单位名称(the name of the department(s) and institution(s) to which the work should be attributed);

4) 弃权者(若有)(disclaimers, if any);

5) 负责通讯和校稿作者的姓名能够和详细地址(the name and address of the author responsible for correspondence and proof about the manuscript);

6) 申请副本联系人姓名和地址(the name and address of the author to whom requests for reprints should be addressed);

7) 资助、设备、药品来源(sources of support in the form of grants, equipment, drugs, or all of these);

8) 不超过40个字母(包括间隔)的页眉标题(a short running head of no more than 40 letters and spaces at the foot of the title page);

3. 著录部分写法示例

1) 标题:Use of steroid in the treatment of clinical septic shockUnstable angina pectoris: Clinical, angiographic and myocadial scintigrapgic observations

2) 姓名:标准式:Yang Jianguo, Guo Xiao’an *, Ouyang Kunpeng, and Lin Li变式:YANG Jianguo;OUYANG Kunpeng; Yang, Jianguo, Jiangguo Yang

3) 单位:(From)Microbiology Department of Second Military Medical University, Shanghai

4) 地址:800 Xiang Yin Road, Shanghai 200433, P. R. China **

5) 副本联系:Address reprint requests t Cai Guangwen, Microbiology of Second Military Medical University, 800 Xiang Yin Road, Shanghai 200433, P. R. ChinaY

6) 资助:Supported / funded / granted / sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation (标书号、合同号等)// A projected funded by the National “863” Program

7) 页眉标题:angina pectoris [原标题见1)] *当相连的两个汉语拼音为元音字母时,中间加“’”号,以免混淆,又如:Xi’an(西安); **省市名按拼音连写,如:Henan(河南),Shanxi(山西),Shaanxi(陕西)标题写作中常用词(组)和表达方式

1) 用…(方法/手段)对…进行研究 / 分析 / 观察 / 评价:study (analysis / observation / evaluation / assessment) of (on) … (by) using (by 方法 / with工具)…e.g. In vivo study of pituitary enlargement in normal pregnancy using magnetic resonance imaging

2) A对B的作用: effect of A on B e.g. Immunomodulatory effect of alkaloid sinomenine in the mouse acute graft versus host disease (aGVHD) model

更多论文百科论文详细信息: 医学英文论文标题(2)

相关专题:专业代写代发 今日养猪业


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