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  (41)Continuous Dynamic Rotation Measurements Using a Compact Cold Atom Gyroscope姚战伟[1,2];鲁思滨[1,2,3];李润兵[1,2];王锴[1,2,3];曹雷[1,2,3];王谨[1,2];詹明生[1,2]

  (45)Convention of Optical Vortices in Two-Helix Long-Period Fiber Gratings张晓强;陈瑞山;周勇;明海;王安廷

  (49)Extreme Light Concentration and High Absorption of the Double Cylindrical Microcavities衡航[1];王嵘[2,3]

  (54)Phase Relation of Harmonics in Nonlinear Focused Ultrasound彭哲凡[1];林伟军[1];刘石磊[2];苏畅[1];张海澜[1];王秀明[1]

  (59)The Relationship of Cavitation to the Negative Acoustic Pressure Amplitude in Ultrasonic Therapy范庭波[1,2];屠娟[1];罗林姣[1];郭霞生[1];黄品同[3];章东[1,4]

  (64)Monitoring the Heavy Element of Cr in Agricultural Soils Using a Mobile Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy System with Support Vector Machine谷艳红[1,2];赵南京[1];马明俊[1];盂德硕[1];余洋[1];贾尧[1];方丽[1];刘建国[1];刘文清[1]

  (69)A Particle-in-Cell Simulation Study on Harmonic Waves Excited by Electron Beams in Unmagnetized Plasmas郭俊[1,2]

  (73)Spectral Broadening of Ion Bernstein Wave Due to Parametric Decay Instabilities甘春芸[1,2];项农[1,2];于治[1,2]

  (77)Magnetosonic Shocks in Ultra-Relativistic Dissipative Degenerate PlasmasS. Hussain;N. Akhtar;N. Mustafa

  (81)Evolution of a Cold Non-neutral Electron-Positron Plasma Slab汪友梅[1];郁明阳[2,3];L. Stenflo[4];A. R. Karimov[5,6]

  (85)Radiation Resistance of Fluorine-Implanted PNP Using Gated-Controlled Lateral PNP Transistor Structure王信[1,2,3];陆妩[1,2];马武英[1,2];郭旗[1,2];王志宽[4];何承发[1,2];刘默寒[1,2,3];李小龙[1,2,3];贾金成[1,2,3]

  (88)Pressure-Induced Metallization and Electrical Phase Diagram for Polycrystalline CaB6 under High Pressure and Low Temperature杨洁[1,2];焦阳[1];韩永昊[2];李晶[3]

  (91)Analysis of the Intrinsic Uncertainties in the Laser-Driven Iron Hugoniot Experiment Based on the Measurement of Velocities章欢[1,2];段晓溪[2];张琛[2];刘浩[2];张惠鸽[2];薛全喜[2];叶青[2];王哲斌[2];蒋刚[1]

  (96)Porosity Evaluation and the Power Spectral Densities Analyses of Carbon-Nickel Composite Films Annealed at Different TemperaturesV. Dalouji[1];S. M. Elahi[2];A. Ghaderi[3];S. Solaymani[3]

  (100)Comparative Study of Monolayer and Bilayer Epitaxial Graphene Field.Effect Transistors on SiC Substrates何泽召[1,2];杨克武[1,2];蔚翠[2];刘庆彬[2];王晶晶[2];宋旭波[2];韩婷婷[2];冯志红[2];蔡树军[2]

  (105)Contribution of Surface Defects to the Interface Conductivity of SrTiO3/LaAlO3关丽[1,2];谈凤雪[1];贾国奇[1,2];申光明[1];刘保亭[1];李旭[1,2]

  (109)Low-Frequency Noise in Gate Tunable Topological Insulator Nanowire Field Emission Transistor near the Dirac Point张浩[1,2];宋志军[2];冯军雅[2];姬忠庆[2];吕力[2]

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