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  (22)A Relation of the Noncommutative Parameters in Generalized Noncommutative Phase Space林冰生[1];衡太骅[2]

  (25)Specific Heat of a Unitary Fermi Gas Including Particle-Hole Fluctuation阮小霞[1];宫昊[2];石远美[3,4];宗红石[4,5,6]

  (28)The Quantum TrihedronA. Bendjoudl;N. Mebarki

  (31)Deconfinement Phase Transition with External Magnetic Field in the Friedberg-Lee Model毛施君

  (36)High-Resolution Rb Two-Photon Transition Spectroscopy by a Femtosecond Frequency Comb via Pulses Control张一驰;范鹏瑞;元晋鹏;汪丽蓉;肖连团;贾锁堂

  (39)Excitation Dependence of Dipole-Dipole Broadening in Selective Reflection Spectroscopy孟腾飞[1,2];姬中华[1,2];赵延霆[1,2];肖连团[1,2];贾锁堂[1,2]

  (43)Molybdenum Disulphide Tape Saturable Absorber for Mode-Locked Double-Clad Ytterbium-Doped All-Fiber Laser GenerationM. F. M. Rusdi[1];A. A. Latiff[2];E. Hanafi[1];M. B. H. Mahyuddin[1];H. Shamsudin[2];K. Dimyati[1];S. W. Harun[1,2]

  (47)Coherent Transfer of Optical Frequency over 112 km with Instability at the 10^-20 Level邓雪[1,3];刘杰[1,2,3];焦东东[1,3];高静[1,3];臧琦[1,2,3];许冠军[1,3];董瑞芳[1,3];刘涛[1,3];张首刚[1,3]

  (50)Silicon Wafer: a Direct Output Coupler in Tm:YLF Laser任席奎;杜晨林;李春波;余利;赵俊清;阮双琛

  (54)A Modified Monte Carlo Model of Speckle Tracking of Shear Wave Induced by Acoustic Radiation Force for Acousto-Optic Elasticity Imaging李玉娇;黄伟骏;马风超;王睿;陆明珠;万明习

  (58)Manipulating Backward Propagation of Acoustic Waves by a Periodical Structure徐峥[1];钱梦騄[1];程茜[1];刘晓峻[2]

  (62)On Time-Fractional Cylindrical Nonlinear EquationH. G. Abdelwahed[1];E. K. ElShewy[2];A. A. Mahmoud[2]

  (67)Improving Plasma Confinement by Controlling Hard X-RayN. Hasanvand;M. R. Riazifar;R. Alipour;S. Meshkani;M. Ghoranneviss

  (71)Graphene/Rh(111) Structure Studied Using In-Situ Scanning Tunneling Microscopy董国材[2,3];D, V. Baarle[1];J. Frenken[1];唐琪雯[3]

  (74)An Experimental Study of Thermophysical Properties for Quinary High-Entropy NiFeCoCrCu/Al Alloys王伟丽;孟利军;李留辉;胡亮;周凯;孔章环;魏炳波

  (78)Determination of the Minimum Wave Speed for the Modelling of Ventilated Cavitation陈婷;张宇宁;杜小泽

  (82)Imaging Ultrafast Plasmon Dynamics within a Complex Dolmen Nanostructure Using Photoemission Electron Microscopy秦将[1];郎鹏[1];季博宇[1];N. K. Alemayehu[1];陶海岩[1];高勋[1];郝作强[1];林景全[1,2]

  (87)Photon-Assisted Heat Generation by Electric Current in a Quantum Dot Attached to Ferromagnetic Leads迟锋[1];孙连亮[2]

  (92)The Transport Mechanisms of Reverse Leakage Current in Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes戴峰[1,2];郑雪峰[1];李培咸[1];侯晓慧[3];王颖哲[1];曹艳荣[1,2];马晓华[1];郝跃[1]

更多论文百科论文详细信息: 中国物理快报(英文版)版面费(2)

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