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  (1596)Availability Equivalence Analysis of a Repairable Multi-State Series-Parallel SystemHU Linmin[1];YUE Dequan[2];TIAN Ruiling[1]

  (1617)Information Revelation in Sequential Auctions with Uncertainties About Future ObjectsHU Erqin[1];ZHAO Yong[2];RAO Congjun[3]

  (1629)Bounding the Inefficiency of the C-Logit Stochastic User Equilibrium AssignmentYONG Gui[1,2];HUANG Haijun[1];LIU Tianliang[1];XU Yan[3]

  (1650)An Optimal Online Algorithm for Fractional Scheduling on Uniform Machines with Three HierarchiesLU Xinrong;LIU Zhaohui

  (1658)Optimal Reinsurance and Investment Strategies for Insurers with Regime-Switching and State-Dependent Utility FunctionGU Ailing[1];LI Zhongfei[2]

  (1683)Linear Bayes Estimators Applied to the Inverse Gaussian Lifetime Model(1693)Dispersive Order of Lifetimes of Series Systems in Multiple-Outlier Weibull ModelsFANG Longxiang[1];BARMALZAN Ghobad[2];LING Jie[3]

  (1703)Ridge-Forward Quadratic Discriminant Analysis in High-Dimensional SituationsXIONG Cui[1];ZHANG Jun[2];LUO Xinchao[1]

  (1716)Unbiased Condition of the Dispersion Effects Estimator in Unreplicated Two-Level Factorial ExperimentsYANG Liu[1];LI Jihong[2];WANG Yu[2]

  (1737)Objective Bayesian Analysis of Degradation Model with Respect to a Wiener ProcessHE Lei;HE Daojiang;CAO Mingxiang

  (1752)Generalized Multivariate Gumbel Distributions -- Dependence, Aging Properties and ApplicationsFANG Rui[1];LI Xiaohu[2];LI Linxiong[3]

更多论文百科论文详细信息: 系统科学与复杂性(英文版)版面费(2)


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